You may be self-talking yourself right out of your goal jeans. If we're not careful, the small, white lies we tell ourselves when dieting may end up as poundage on our tushies.
One of the biggest lies:
"I deserve it."
Girl, you deserve a lot of things, but a muffin top is not one of them. "This is a classic example of self-sabotage, Self-medicating with food is a learned behavior, which invariably leaves us feeling miserable." You deserve to be successful, healthy and to feel good about yourself - none of which you will find floating at the bottom of an ice cream bowl. Instead, Creating a reward system that doesn't involve food. Perhaps some minor retail therapy (we won't lie: we get pretty darn excited over a new pair of yoga pants). The big idea? "Work on progressively altering the feeling that food soothes. The numbing effect is fleeting at best but the consequences sadly linger."