Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Be Careful What You Drink

We are a nation of "supersizers" and often don't pay attention to the calories we're drinking. For most people, when we're home, we have "normal" size glasses, and pay attention to the serving size we're drinking (or at least most of the time!). Studies show that we ALL drink what's put in front of us. If a small serving is provided, we drink that... If a large one is there, we usually drink the whole thing (or much more than if we were just offered a small size). Bottom line: whatever size we're given is "one serving".

And, restaurants - whether chains, or fast-food types - lure us with amazing looking drinks in very cool glasses (sometimes we get to keep them as a souvenir! - or buy them in the "gift shop"). Most restaurants offer free refills, and we can always "supersize" for just pennies.

We all accept that eating away from home can add more calories. But most of us don't think about the calories from our drinks - which add up quickly. We also, biologically, don't compensate for these calories when we eat. Translation? We basically add on all the liquid calories to what we're eating.

While no drinks are "off limits", paying attention to the servings and what's in these drinks is a definite plus for your waistline. Check out my Today Show segment (check back later for the video) for some easy solutions to this problem.