The mind-body connection is key to long term weight loss, and any way to support that connection is a plus, as long as there is no potential for health risk. So, choose wisely, and seek out certified and credentialed practitioners (including many MDs) for techniques like hypnosis, acupuncture/acupressure, and meditation. These treatments have some growing evidence that can help some people, and could be worth a try.
Ingesting compounds can put you at risk, as the herbal supplements are not tested nor regulated by the FDA, and can interact with other medications you are taking. There is no guarantee of safety, purity, or efficacy for most of these products. Always check with your doctor before trying any other these. Plus, avoid products claiming weight loss without lifestyle change, and look for a website and 800 number to call for further information about purity of the compound. Be an informed consumer!
Also, fasts and extreme food restrictions can be health damaging if done without medical supervision. The "detox" described for many products can lead to fatigue, cramping, and dehydration. The body has natural "detox" organs - including the liver, skin, and lungs!
herbal supplements
detoxification plans